G7 wearables and G7 EXO area monitors constantly detect both VOC ambient gas levels and the employee's location, reporting this data back to the cloud wirelessly via cellular or satellite connectivity. These devices utilize advanced sensors for VOC detection, capable of measuring very low concentrations of organic chemicals and other air pollutants that can affect indoor air quality.
Every reading streamed to the cloud ensures that all data is immediately available for visualization of PID readings on a map overlay, giving Industrial Hygienists and HSE Managers the ability to identify hotspots and problem areas and take proactive action to address an issue before it becomes an incident. This real-time monitoring is crucial for detecting VOC emissions from various sources such as building materials, office equipment, cleaning supplies, and industrial emissions.
The devices employ photoionization detection (PID) technology, which uses UV light to ionize VOCs with ionization thresholds below the photon energies emitted by the lamp. This method allows for the detection of a broad spectrum of organic solvents and other gases, even at very low concentrations that may not be visible to the naked eye. VOCs, which often have a high vapor pressure at room temperature, can originate from numerous sources including paint strippers, permanent markers, photographic solutions, and craft materials. Many VOCs are known to have adverse health effects, potentially impacting the central nervous system and causing throat irritation among other symptoms.
While many VOCs are invisible to the naked eye, their emissions contribute significantly to indoor and outdoor air pollution. These compounds, characterized by their high vapor pressure, readily evaporate into the air, joining other air pollutants to create complex mixtures. Unlike visible light, which we can easily perceive, VOC emissions often go unnoticed until they reach concerning levels. Many VOCs, along with other air pollutants, can have serious health implications, making their detection and management crucial for maintaining air quality. From industrial processes to everyday household products, the sources of these volatile organic compounds are diverse, underscoring the importance of comprehensive air quality monitoring and control measures.
The G7 ecosystem's ability to detect and monitor VOCs is particularly valuable in preventing and responding to chemical spills, as well as maintaining overall air quality in various environments. By providing real-time data on VOC levels, these devices enable proactive measures to protect human health and ensure a safer working environment.
Typical Applications
- Personnel safety
- Industrial hygiene
- Soil contamination and remediation
- Unintended emissions
- Law enforcement
- Emergency response
- Leak detection
- Perimeter monitoring
- Refineries and petrochemical
- Air quality monitoring
Historical alert reporting
Gas logs streamed from each G7 device generate a large volume of data that is processed by the Blackline Live compliance dashboard. Blackline Analytics enables users to gain insights into how and where equipment is being used, where hazards are being encountered and every bump test, calibration and gas exposure is automatically recorded.

Innovative gas sensor technology
The ION Science MiniPID 2 delivers dynamic and dependable response to a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a broad range of applications.
- • Humidity-resistant
- • Anti-contamination design
- • 10,000 hours lamp life
- • World leading temperature stability
- • 10.6 eV lamp
- • Internal gas table with over 700 VOCs & toxic compounds
- • Expected life > 5 years
The MiniPID 2 sensor includes patented Fence Electrode Technology to give results you can trust in the most challenging environments by providing industry-leading humidity resistant performance and anti-contamination design, protecting the sensor from moisture, dust and aerosols. Designed for both diffusion and pumped sampling, MiniPID 2 delivers an exceptional response time.
Incorporating a next- generation long-life lamp, the MiniPID 2 provides exceptional stability and long-term performance, enabling reliable detection for 10,000 hours of use. As a result, the MiniPID 2 requires significantly less maintenance, than previous-generation PID sensors.