Oxygen gas is a chemical compound with the formula O2. It can be very difficult to detect when O2 levels are outside of regular concentrations, as it is colorless, odorless, and flavorless. Oxygen is an excellent oxidizing agent, and can either cause or intensify fires when combined with many different compounds in the atmosphere. Oxygen is non-combustible itself, but is a key part of the fire triangle that leads to combustion of other compounds or materials.
The biggest threat oxygen poses is when there is not enough of it; oxygen deficiencies create incredibly dangerous circumstances. This makes it imperative to frequently test confined spaces for oxygen levels, so that workers are not put into vulnerable positions. Oxygen enrichment is another risk factor due to the increased chance of combustion and explosions.
Type: Pumped electrochemical
Range: 0% - 25% volume (0.1% resolution)
Calibration Gas: 18% volume
Depletion Low Alarm: 19.5%
Depletion High Alarm: 18%
Enrichment Low Alarm: 23.5%
Enrichment High Alarm: 25%