Hi, everyone. It's Michelle Smith (Harris) here from Blackline Safety. I hope you're all okay. Now over the next few weeks, I want to go through a few safety tips in and around the working environment.
And today, I'm gonna be starting off with confined spaces and the dangers of working in and around these areas. So first of all, Confined Space is classed as something that's actually small and enclosed or just something that's quite large and enclosed.
Sometimes people don't even realize it's classed as a confined space due to the the pure size of the area. Now the dangers around working in these areas is, fire, explosion, loss of consciousness, asphyxiation, and also even drowning.
So we wanna point out that before you go into these areas, please make sure that you've done all of your pre entry checks. For anyone who's going into these areas, that you've made sure you've done all the relevant training.
Also, before entering these areas, if you think you've done the pre entry checks the day before or the week before and you think, do you know what?
Everything was absolutely fine. I'm okay to go in there. Then please make sure you do your pre entry checks every single time you go into an area. Make sure you've got all your safety equipment as well because that's crucial.
Now, people might have heard of such scenarios around, situations that's happened in the past around confined spaces. There's a lot of unfortunate situations in the farming industry where people have unfortunately lost their lives or someone's fallen into a silo, and people's actually gone in to go and save them, but unfortunately have been overcome by the fumes that's in that area.
And one, two, or maybe three people have even died in this area, which is extremely awful. And we just wanna make sure that we're bringing the awareness around these areas and that people are doing the relevant checks before they go into confined spaces.
If you've got any tips on confined spaces, then please feel free to share those with us, and I will, look forward to speaking to you soon. Thank you very much for your time.