Safety Moment by Blackline Safety

Lone Worker Safety - Your Cell Phone Doesn’t Cut It

Written by Randall Arms | Sep 4, 2024 4:53:24 PM



Hey, everyone. It's Randall Arms, Channel Operations Manager here from Blackline Safety. Today, I'll talk about the importance of specialized safety devices for lone work safety and discuss some strategies to hopefully reduce the risk in potentially hazardous environments.

Now, recently, I came across a trend of using mobile phones as IoT devices for lone work. Now being a lone work safety specialist in the industry for more than a decade, I would say relying solely on phones for safety in the work situations is some pretty risky business. Now as we all know, smartphones are versatile, but they are not suitable for lone work.

Your typical iPhone or Android aren't intrinsically safe, and they lack specialized features that you will need for lone work safety. In hazardous environments, it's best to limit those distractions to perform the task. This way, workers can focus on the work to complete the job safely.

Now, as we know, don't compromise safety for convenience. Let's make sure that we are choosing the solutions that offer reliability and effectiveness even though they may require extra effort or investment.

When it comes to lone work, rely on devices that are specifically designed to mitigate the risk. Look for those connected devices that are offering features such as SOS alerts and 24/7 monitoring.

This way, you're providing a comprehensive level of protection. Now as we all strive for a safer work environment, make sure that we are sharing the importance of using such specialized devices and sharing the information on limitations of relying on mobile phones with colleagues and peers.

Remember, safety is paramount, and compromising with half-baked solutions is only gonna get you half-baked results. Hopefully, this message has been useful for you. Thank you, and I'll see you again soon.