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Integrated Health and Safety Strategy Released in Ontario

Blackline SafetyLeader in Connected Gas Detection & Lone Worker Safety January 03, 2014

There is some interesting news from the Ontario Ministry of Labour in Canada:

Ontario’s Ministry of Labour has developed the province’s first integrated strategy to prevent injuries and improve the delivery of workplace health and safety.

Developed in consultation with business, labour groups, health and safety associations and everyday Ontarians, the strategy will help guide the Ministry of Labour in setting priorities to prevent injuries and create a culture where health and safety is at the centre of every workplace.

Integrated Health and Safety Strategy Objectives

The Integrated Health and Safety Strategy has been developed to:

  • support small businesses with new resources to keep workers safe
  • ensure that all workers, especially those most at risk, receive the help they need
  • make the delivery of health and safety services more effective and efficient
  • raise awareness among Ontarians about ways to stay safe and healthy at work
  • foster compliance with workplace health and safety regulations

“Preventing occupational illnesses, injuries and fatalities requires immediate action. This strategy calls on the health and safety leadership to move forward with exceptional resolve. It sets out a cohesive vision, goals and priorities for the next five years that will help us collectively maximize the resources available to prevent tragedies by addressing areas of greatest need The Ministry of Labour is working closely with health and safety associations to ensure consistent, clear, and integrated delivery service delivery.”

— George Gritziotis, Chief Prevention Officer

This new safety strategy is certainly a step in the right direction. Hopefully some kind of lone worker legislation will not be far behind.

Read the original article here.


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