This year, we pushed the envelope of what’s possible in safety monitoring in order to deliver the most valuable and effective lone worker safety monitoring solutions. And our product developers continue to work tirelessly—we have a lot more in store for your organization in 2016.
As we close out 2015, we offer you a quick recap of our activities. From the launch of new solutions Loner Mobile, Loner Mobile with Loner Duo and Loner Complete, to changing our name from Blackline GPS to Blackline Safety, we’ve even won some awards!
Blackline ranked again on the PROFIT 500 and we were named a top 20 innovator by Alberta Venture magazine. Our Loner Bridge System was awarded OH&S New Product of the Year and we announced record revenue, more than double what we achieved in our previous four quarters.
As we prepare for 2016, we thought it was timely to share with you some of our most popular blog articles. If you haven’t had the chance, catch up on some insightful reading and check our top six most-read posts.
#1 Top 8 Elements for a Successful Employee Safety Monitoring Program
#2 Blackline Tracks UK Charity Bike Ride
#3 Contractor Safety: Are You Responsible When They Are On Site?
#4 Identifying Lone Workers: When Lone Doesn't Mean Alone
#5 The Dangers Awaiting Your Lone Workers: 5 Reasons Not to Undervalue Safety in Engineering & Construction
#6 The True Cost of Not Investing in Safety Monitoring
With a new year comes a time for reflection, improvement and resolutions. We encourage you to start thinking about your personal and professional resolutions. Especially when it comes to employee safety—what does your safety monitoring program look like for next year?
If you have not had the chance to do so already, subscribe to our blog to stay up-to-date on occupational safety and safety monitoring technology that makes a difference.