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Blackline Safety Impact Awards

Launched in 2024, in conjunction with Blackline’s 20th anniversary, the Blackline Safety Impact Awards honor excellence in industrial health and safety.  

Awards are given to those who are making an impact on the health and safety of their organizations, communities, and environments. Awards are also given to organizations that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to health and safety.

Community Hero Award 

The Community Hero Award is awarded to an individual, or individuals, in recognition of their bravery and dedication to the safety of people in their community. 

To receive the Community Hero Award, nominees must meet one of the following criteria:

  • The nominee used a Blackline Safety product to get help for someone who was in a dangerous or life-threatening situation.  
  • The nominee used a Blackline Safety product to get help for a situation that posed a threat to their community or the environment. 


More Award Categories Coming Soon


About the Program


  • Nominations are open twice a year from February 1 - June 30, and from August 1 - December 31.
  • The selection committee—comprised of Blackline Safety leaders—adjudicates awards in January and August each year.   
  • Nominees can be nominated for more than one award in any given year. 
  • Self-nominations are allowed. 
  • Award recipients will be notified in writing that they have been selected. 

Receiving an Award

To receive a Blackline Safety Impact Award, recipients must: 

  • Demonstrate alignment with Blackline’s mission.  
  • Agree in writing to accept the award. 
  • Agree to participate in an awards ceremony with media coverage of the event, if invited. 
  • Agree to have their name, photo, and all the details of their nomination story published on Blackline Safety’s website and social media channels.